Interview with Sue Seabury

Welcome back to Delusions of Sanity! It’s interview time again, and today we’ll be meeting the talented Sue Seabury, author of the Misadventures of Robin Jane series.

Sue Seabury likes exotic travel, good food, and great conversation. Since she doesn’t often get to enjoy any of these things, she makes up stories about them. You can find out more about Sue and her books by checking out her Amazon page: Amazon

Delusions of Sanity: Sue, I’m curious about how you got into writing. When did you decide that you would take the plunge and become a writer?

Sue Seabury: About 7 years ago when my youngest was a baby. I made a promise to carve out 15 minutes a day to work on a story. Haven’t looked back.

Delusions of Sanity: That’s bold! I like it. What about YA drew you to writing in this genre?

Sue Seabury: I loved reading when I was a kid. Silly thing to say, I still do, but the books I read as a kid felt so real to me. I thought I knew these characters like, or better than, live humans.

Delusions of Sanity: I don’t think it’s silly at all. I still remember the first fiction book I read as a kid that made reading “click” with me; those characters will always seem most vivid to me.

Anyhow, enough of Melion. Do you remember the first story that you wrote? Would you mind sharing a little about it with us?

Sue Seabury: Yes. It was a children’s book written in rhyme about an alpaca living alone in the Andes and would like to find some friends. It’s quite a charming story, if I do say so myself.

Delusions of Sanity: Awww, an alpaca! Ok, I have to include an alpaca picture here, because alpacas are great, and I’d totally read a children’s story about an alpaca. *whispers* Llamas are also very cool.

Yep, this is an alpaca and not a llama. You can tell by the shape of the ears, texture of the hair and the general size. Totally an alpaca. Unless I’m wrong, and it’s a llama.

Anyhow, moving on from alpacas. Time for a random question: Which famous person, living or dead, would you like to meet, and why?

Sue Seabury: Hoo-boy. Living: maybe the Dalai Lama. Dead? Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar; maybe even Attila the Hun, just to see if he’s as tough as he sounds–I’m sure he is, just curious to lay eyes on him.

Delusions of Sanity: Attila the Hun? You’re braver than I. Well,  those are all the questions we have time for here at Delusions of Sanity. Thanks, Sue, for dropping by and answering some questions. It’s been a lot of fun.

If my readers are interested in following what Sue’s up to, you can find her on Twitter and on her Amazon page. Thanks again, everybody, for hanging out with us!

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